Articles & News - Clinician Resources

Read stories, advice, and insights about self catheterization.

A Clinician’s Guide to Prescribing Intermittent Catheters

Prescribing intermittent catheters has become increasingly difficult and complex given the variety of products available. The following clinician’s guide provides practitioners with the tools they need to properly prescribe intermittent catheters for their urological patients. What are HCPCS codes? The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System, or HCPCS for short, are identifying codes that are used…

Why Hospitals are Making the Switch to Closed System Catheter Kits

Reducing hospital-acquired infections, such as CAUTI, is a major concern for infection preventionists in hospitals across the country. While many hospitals utilize foley indwelling catheters for bladder maintenance of post-surgical patients, many are making the switch to intermittent, or in-and-out, catheterization as a preventative measure to improve infection control and reduce CAUTI. When hospitals switch…