The information provided in this video is not medical advice. Please follow the advice of your personal physician or other healthcare provider in performing self-catheterization. If you experience any persistent pain or discomfort associated with the catheter, consult with a medical professional.
Video Transcript
I’m Randy Golden for Medical Technologies of Georgia and I’m here today to introduce you to a new MTG Jiffy Cath coude tip intermittent catheters.
Our catheters have eyes that are highly polished to reduce potential for irritation and all MTG products are 100% latex free.
Coude is a French word that means bend or elbow.
A coude tip catheter has a slight bend near the tip.
Coude tip catheters are normally prescribed if a patient has an enlarged prostate and the catheter tip is designed to get past that tight spot.
Also there’s a potential for patients who have strictures to use coude tip catheters.
Sometimes what happens when the urethra gets scarred, this will have some tight spots along the urethral passage way and the catheter will need to wind its way through, a straight tip catheter will sometimes buckle where a coude tip catheter will pass to the bladder.
MTG catheters have a handy indicator knob located at the distal end and when the indicator knob is facing up, the tip of the catheter is also facing up.
Ask your doctor or nurse before you use coude tip catheters to ensure that you always use them exactly as they direct you to.
Now that we’ve shown you our coude tip catheters I’d now like to take us to the next part of the presentation and describe our closed system intermittent catheter, and how this all actually help reduce your risk of a recurrent urinary tract infection.
MTG’s closed systems are designed so that the user or caregiver never actually touches the catheter.
The catheter resides within its sterile field bag and the catheter is pre-lubricated so that step’s been eliminated.
The bag is going to serve two purposes. It’s going to collect the fluid once the urine starts to flow and again it’s also going to protect the sterility.
We’re going to manipulate the catheter through the bag up through the urethra up to the bladder and then urine is going to get trapped once urine starts to flow in the sack itself.
And all we’re going to do here is to advance the catheter about one to two inches at a time, just like this.
You see how I’m manipulating it here. I’m going to show you in more detail in a second with an anatomical model but you get the idea. The catheter will pass from within its sterile field up to the bladder.
We’re going to get urine flow at some point. The urine is going to get trapped right in the sack.
When we’re done we take the catheter out, measure and record, tear the bag, pour the urine off and we’re done.
MTG closed system catheters are all equipped with an introducer tip which I’ll take the cap off and expose.
This little tip made of silicone is actually a protector, if you will, a membrane to protect the catheter below from bacteria that are located within the distal urethra.
Studies show that ninety percent of urethral bacteria are right when you first go in about the first half an inch so if the catheter goes through this region unprotected, it can literally push those bacteria further into your body, they can gain a stronghold, grow back and cause urinary tract infections.
By virtue of this introducer tip that catheter is never going to come in contact with ninety percent of the bacteria located within the distal urethra.
We’re going to advance the catheter through this tip, just like this, as we talked about a second ago. And the catheter is not going to come in contact with those bacteria, you’re going to feed it about one to one-and-a-half inches at a time.
To illustrate this further, I would like to just show one time exactly how the introducer tip is going to look inside the anatomy when you get ready to catherize.
You are going to insert the catheter and introducer tip into the urethra, just like so, so it’s going to look just like this inside the body.
And then we’re just going to hold on to the catheter and the bag with one hand, and we’re going to advance the catheter with the other, just like this.
OK, so finally I’m going to bring the anatomical model down between my lap so that the users can actually see what they’re going to be looking at when they catherize themselves.
First I’m going to take the soap and water and wash cloth and clean the glans of the penis. Set that aside, and now I’m going to reach back for the catheter.
I’m going to remove that blue cap exposing the introducer tip and now I’m going to cup the penis with my left hand, I’m right handed so I’m going to advance the catheter with my right hand, I’m going to hold the penis with my left.
I’m going to use the last three fingers to hold just below the glans, just like so, and if I had extra foreskin here I would again pull the foreskin back using those same three fingers.
Now I’m going to insert the catheter and the introducer tip into the urethra just like this.
And I’m going to use my thumb and my index finger to hold everything stable so it should look just like this in your lap as it does in mine.
Now, I’m going to go to the catheter and I’m going to hold the catheter about two inches below the blue pincer grip and I’m going to start feeding the catheter in one to one-and-a-half inches at a time.
I fed it in now I’m going to squeeze with my left hand and I can pull the bag back with my right.
Grab the catheter, again release pressure with my left hand, advance the catheter with my right.
Squeeze again with my left, straighten the bag back. Now that I’ve made two pushes, I need to go back and insure that the indicator is facing up and I can feel for the indicator within the bag, and I notice that is facing up.
I’m feeling for it right here so we’re good, and now I’m going to continue the process.
Push, squeeze, pull. Push, squeeze, pull. Push, squeeze, pull. And urine will begin to flow.
When we see urine flow we give the catheter one more push to get the catheter right in the middle of the bladder.
And we hold the bag down between the legs.
When urine discontinues draining pull the catheter out about one inch, hold it right here.
When we see no more urine flowing, pull the catheter completely out, and go back and get a washcloth, and as the catheter leaves the body, use that washcloth to catch the eyes so you don’t have any drippage.
Now we’re ready to drain the bag. So the last step is tearing the bag. There’s a perforation mark where you want to start so tear that across. And then just be careful to tear down into the bag, just like that, turn the bag upside down, pour the urine off into the toilet.
We appreciate your interest in MTG catheters. For more information please visit our website: where you can learn more about urinary tract infections, our complete line of closed system catheters and request free samples.